Other Projects & Interests

Data Visualization

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How do you ensure that your research findings reach and are understood by the people who want to use them?

Data visualization and the clear presentation of results are some of the most important work I do. Sometimes that pays off in glory! My colleague, Andrea Dinneen, and I designed and coded these graphs to quickly and easily display the effect sizes between two groups. Our entry beat out 25 alternative visualizations to win the inaugural "So You Think You Can Graph" competition, and we are obviously putting "award-winning data scientist" on everything we do from here out. 

R script available on OSF here.

Group Fitness

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What better long-term goal to make enjoyable than exercise?

I'm a 200-hour certified yoga instructor and have completed two separate barre instructor certifications. I've taught at Pure Barre, FlyDog Yoga, and Community Power Yoga, and adored being part of those communities.

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